With One Voice

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This A2 signed and dated digital print on white paper was produced from a drawing for the With One Voice Arts and Homelessness Summit in Manchester in November 2018.

The piece invites you to wander the streets of the city and consider the complexity and individuals at the heart of the the issues around homelessness. It was generated after I sat on the streets and spoke to people on the front line, those who had once been there, talked to homeless families, charities, discussed reactions with people I know and stood in the presence of the Doodle on Ducie Street. I read, I watched and thought. Some people pointed the finger of blame in different directions but the single truth is the reality of people suffering. Struck by simple and sometimes inconceivable individual layered stories of ill health, bereavements and loss, poverty and at times addiction there was no clear shape to the picture. The one thing I’ve learnt is to interact, to speak to the people I meet and ask you join the dialogue and think about the individual people.

I continue to support charities through awareness and donations who are working with our homeless community.